
     A material-discursive Abecedarium, The Sensitive City: The Micropolitical Transformations of TerritoriesDonas da Terra: Female Role Models of Social Leadership, Housing the Co-op: A Micropolitical Manifesto, MCMV Social Housing ProgramEverything is Architecture,* Patricia Lucena Ventura.

Everything is [still/ more than ever/ has never ceased to be] architecture.

Hans Hollein, 1968.

“A true architecture of our time will have to redefine itself and expand its means. Many areas outside traditional building will enter the realm of architecture, as architecture and “architects” will have to enter new fields. All are architects. Everything is architecture.”

Originally published in Bau: Schrift für Architektur und Städtebau
1/2 | 1968.

Pre-Pandemic Designs

Prelimirary design drafts, some of which would probably have been built if the pandemic had not happened. Instead, our lives have changed, as we gained time and the opportunity to reflect our intentions and actions on a collective basis. Wonderful encounters and vital discussions with inspiring colleagues and students allowed all involved to rethink design, our profession, and the tools at our disposal. I am profoundly thankful for all thoughts shared and conceptualized with such intensity during this time. Here, so far, what has been thought and drawn before then.

Social housing estate, 2020.
Exercise in rethinking the multi-familiy housing type allowing collective and individual garden areas, green curtains, and micro backyards fulfilling micro-climatic functions.
12 apartment units, 12 multi-functional workshop spaces - home office, commercial units - at the ground level. Co-op rooftop garden connecting to hill slope.

The Third Landscape
Retreat; Monastery Building
Private commission / La Gomera, Spain,  2019
Status: on hold

The third landscape is a design project inspired by Gilles Clement’s thesis „Le Tiers-Paysage“, a study on undetermined fragments of the Plantary Garden designating the sum of the space left over by man to  landscape evolution - to nature alone. Yet, if man rethinks his human condition from within those peripheral natural territories, the architectural stage needed for this process could be described as a monastery for no-religion, for finding purpose.

Co-op cocoon

Cooperative housing
Fortaleza, Brazil,  2019

Status: on hold

Co-op cocoon is a cooperative housing project which
gave birth to the self-organized housing cooperative „Cooperativa de Iracema’.
The coop members are negotiating and participating
in the tendering procedure to receive permission to build
in the central areal of Fortaleza on the first site
to become collective property in the city.

Terra Nullius

Feasibility Study
for Polish Polar Station
Hornsund, Spitsbergen, 2018
The former research laboratory building of the Polish Polar Station was erected in 1957 in the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago to operate as base for research on geology, geodesics, geomorphology, glaciology, oceanology and biology.  In the last years the lab has gained international recognition for its  groundbreaking scientific studies on climate change.