Architecture Is Education –
Award for Sustainable Architecture 2024

I am thrilled to share that the IAL team, students, and the TU Graz have been honored with the prestigious 2024 Global Award for Sustainable Architecture . This recognition underscores the value of our transdisciplinary, collective teaching methodologies, which we have refined and implemented together over the past four years. Our success is a testament to our unwavering belief in empowering the next generation of students to think independently and challenge old, identitarian paradigms of normative hierarchies. The award application under the motto “All of Us” reinforces: to “All of  You” - or else none of us.

Type: Award
Location:  Graz, Austria
Year:  2024

For more information:

IAL contribution to the last TU Graz Summer Exhibition, Open Architecture 2023. Photos: Patricia L. Ventura    

© 2024
Patricia L Ventura